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Apply for pet approval

Pet by-laws
When you live or work in a community titles scheme, you are in close proximity to your neighbours. By-laws allow the Body Corporate to regulate pets & animals and the impact they may have on other occupiers or the common property.

How long can it take to obtain Body Corporate approval?
By law, the committee has up to 6 weeks to consider an application from a lot owner, and if more information is required, this time can be extended up to an additional 6 weeks.

Factor in this time when making your pet application.

We always try and assist the committee to make decisions on proposed pet applications earlier than the legal timeframes. However, you should still factor in at least 2-3 weeks.

Applying for approval to keep a pet or animal
So, you have a copy of your "community management statement" (CMS) which contains the pet by-laws for your building, so it's time to start preparing your application for Body Corporate approval.

Photo & details 
Your application will need to be supported by a photo of the pet, and details of what steps you intend to take to comply with your building's pet by-laws.

Request a pet application form
Email us at to request a copy of the pet application for your building.

Prepare your pet application
Put together all of your documents, including supporting photos and other information and submit your application to the Committee by email:

We will then submit your application and supporting documents to the committee to consider. The committee may ask for more details. If you have supplied all of the required information with your original application, the application can be considered much more quickly.

The committee will vote (by majority) whether to approve your application and if so, any conditions that will apply. Conditions will include full compliance with the building's pet by-laws. Other conditions may apply. 

Get a copy of the CMS containing the pet by-laws for your building
Anyone can buy a copy of the CMS for any building in Queensland from the Queensland Titles Office (click HERE).

The (Nuu) Co's clients can download a copy of their CMS for free on their building's online Strata Vault which contains all of their Body Corporate's records.

Accessing your Body Corporate records
If you need another email invitation to log into Strata Vault, email us at with your name, lot number and building name to request another invitation link.

It's free to log in.
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